Monday, August 5, 2013

Shingles All The Way UP!

The part of the roof that was prepped for shingles now HAS shingles!  I also trimmed off a bunch of branches from up there while I was in the mood for rooftops.  The 2x4 are my 'ladder' to the top, where I still have work to do on the ridge - and I have to finish the front ridge (trim the shingles and cut my old three-tab shingles to cap that ridge). 
I'm hoping to be able to use the old metal ridge-cap for the top - I like the look of it, and the balls at the ends ... if I can find enough that's still in good enough shape I want to use it.  There's still one section that's in really good shape on the remaining dormer, and I have more lying about somewhere. 
No, these shingles don't match the other half of the house, but so be it.  They're what's available so they're what I used.  They're darker, which might be an asset as the winter sun is to the south and black holds sun-heat.  At any rate, they're where they're supposed to be now! 
AND I have rain gutters to clean out. 
But not tonight. 
Tonight I write and sketch.  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Close, SO Close, To The Top Of The Roof

I hate to come down, because I'm so very close to getting that part DONE! 

On the other hand, when I start yawning, getting clumsy, and talking out loud to my tree, I figure maybe it's time to get off the roof for the day. 

Not to mention the raindrops. 

See, this is how come I'm not dead yet.  I'm so careful it's borderline chicken.  Since I ain't got nobody to catch me if I fall, careful is good.

Friday, August 2, 2013

No More Excuses! The Shingles Are WAITING!!

Thanks to my sister, brother-in-law, and neighbors, the shingles are right up there where I need them to be!  Tomorrow, the sound of hammering!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Seven Boxes, Three Bags, and Two Chairs Later - STUDIO SPACE!!

My mom ain't a genius for nothin' you know.  She puts it to good use on my behalf all the time! 

My garbage container is full, and there's a dump run in my future. 

Besides getting rid of a bunch of STUFF that even my imaginative and creative mind couldn't think of any use for in any future that I can foresee, I rearranged more of my stuff. 

When I get used to remembering where things ARE instead of where they USED to be, it's gonna be great! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

NEXT!!! Work Space In My Studio!

After a consult with my mom, the verdict was that I need to be making space in my studio, which is filled to the gills with STUFF. 
Mom said I should throw some of it away but I reminded her that it's all supplies and I will need them - just as I'm right now using some supplies that I've had put away for years without touching them. 
As I go through everything, there will be stuff that I WILL toss, if it's beyond using any more; I have already been doing that. 
ANYWAY ... my immediate task was to clear off one of my old work tables so I might be able to actually USE it.

I know it doesn't look like much, but the fact that I can see the top of it is a breakthrough. 

This is one of my old work tables.  It has had most of my rough cut large works covering it for a long time, making it absolutely unavailable for me to use as a work area. 

Having been busy earlier this year rearranging things so as to make some space out in the porch, I HAVE space out there! 

Not quite as much space now, but the flat pieces stacked up don't really take up much room.  I just piled them all on top of the big angels!

So I have another work station in my studio!

As soon as I get the STUFF that surrounds it cleared away enough for me to get at it, I will have another work station in my studio! 

SIGH ... 

Still, progress is progress! 

I'll strip and refinish this one, get all that old paint and whatever off of it, and it will be good to go!