Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This summer I intend to have a garden.

I'm not sure right now exactly what kind of garden I'm going to have but chances are it will not be a traditional one.  The plants will be traditional, of course, with tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, beets, spinach, cucumbers, and probably some kind of squash - along with whatever else seems to be what I want at the time.

The non-traditional part will depend on how much time I have to work with (i.e. whether we have an early spring or a late one).  If it gets nice enough soon enough I might have time to begin the raised bed garden I want someday to have.  If not, I might have to make do with the only garden space I have right now, which is mainly my flower beds.  They'll grow vegetables as well as flowers, you know. 

Even so, I would prefer to have my garden in my sunny back yard.  If I can't manage to borrow a tiller this year maybe I'll just use my shovel to dig trenches for the root crops, a post hole digger to make holes to put tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash plants into (and use 2 liter pop bottles with the tops and bottoms cut off to line them), plant spinach in the over-sized flower pot I have out front, and call it good enough. 

With some major projects that need to get under way as soon as the weather gets halfway decent, the garden may have to take a back seat - but we shall see what we shall see. 

Since I'll have to be rock-hunting anyway, I may as well hunt some to use for the raised beds.  They might give me good practice.

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