Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I am one grubby mess! 

Time for a shower for this woman I do believe. 

No, I didn't get the whole roof cleared off, barely a beginning, but progress is progress sez I!  If all I can do is a little bit at a time, that's still a little bit that's done, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it. 

Today, the most progress I made was 'simply' confronting my own fear and getting on with what has to be done in spite of it.  That in itself was no mean feat. 

As dusk deepens, the birds become more vocal which reminds me to breathe a prayer of thanks to the dove that kept me company for a good part of the time I was up on that roof.  I personally believe it was an angel.

And now that I've done all I'm going to do up there for the day, I can relax for a while and contemplate the cosmos and the meaning of life.


I'm going to take a shower and read on in my book about the times of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt for as long as I can tolerate it.  Or until I fall asleep.

This day was not as physically demanding as I'm hoping tomorrow will be, but it was exceptionally demanding in terms of fighting internal dragons.

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