Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meanwhile, Back At The Hacienda ...

Lest anyone think I've been doing nothing except pattering, thinking, and sleeping, let me assure you that a few other things have been getting tended to as well. 
I finally finished that scrub top I made out of a Liz Claiborne collection skirt.  It's not perfect but 1) I never claimed to be a professional seamstress and 2) it's a SCRUB TOP for heaven's sake.  Functionality is what matters and it will function just fine.  It has big pockets.
I've finally begun getting that hand water pump ready to be installed in the old kitchen.  It will go right next to the old (non-working) sink in there, a logical place in MY mind as the drain of that old sink is still functional. 
Other rearranging in the old kitchen will begin as soon as I get done pattering here.  I'm going to move the antique cupboard, and the shelves that top it, to the top of the radiator by the back door. 
Because it will fit there and my 'Grandmother Hutch' won't. 
SO ... I want to move the hutch into the nook where the cupboard is now. 
Because I want the windows cleared to let the sunshine in. 
Because I might want to put plants in front of that window.  It would make a good hospital for any ailing plants that happen to come along during our garden shop this spring. 
Plus, if I move the hutch I can bring that old freezer up from the basement and through the house, instead of having to shovel or plow the whole area from beside the house clear back to the alley so I can take it out that door, and I'd probably get good and stuck a dozen times in the process of doing it that way, so it just makes sense.  ALSO, the hutch was too close to the old kitchen sink and I need that space for the pump.
If you say so. 
I do say so. 
And I'm right. 
So put that in your pipe and smoke it. 
On other fronts ... 
Just because I'm not pattering about everything does not mean I'm not, in the appropriate places of my brain, processing a lot of information. 
For one thing, I have NOT forgotten that I'm going to be doing the garden shop thing with my sister this spring.  I have in my head the exact list of flowers and garden plants I'll need to look for and buy.  It's right there, don't worry about it. 
The MTW in the Forks isn't slated to begin until after the plants are done anyway so don't be having fits about it.  I said I'd begin the introducing thing in April, not the whole nine yards for cryin' out loud. 
I tell ya:  sometimes these internal dialogues can be irritating. 
Sitting just over there is my sewing machine.  Also sitting right over there are the makings for a quilt I'm going to put together one of these days.  I have to be in the right mood for sewing, but the stuff is ready whenever I am. 
The guy at work that I'm going to be collaberating with on a painting is getting his end of things in order.  Me, I'm going to paint a skyscape or some such and he's going to do a silhouette to super-impose over it. 
Because he has to do his work on the computer, we're going to do our pieces separately and then put them on a flash drive.  I can take the drive to Kinko's and they'll put the two together on a canvas of whatever size we want.  It's going to be a really fun project. 
I'll take my painting stuff over to where he is on one of these next of my days off, set up an easel, and entertain the heck out of everyone for a while.  It's not exactly my normal work environment when I'm painting, but what the heck.  If I don't like the one I produce there I'll just do another one in the privacy of my studio.  Either way it's going to be fun for everyone involved.
Still on one of my front burners is getting that Bug Book done for my grandboy.  It's harder than you'd think.  But once it's done he's going to love it.  I'll mail it to him, which makes it even more fun because everyone likes getting packages, especially ones they aren't expecting right then. 
I've also got illustrations in the works for one of the stories I'm getting ready for Tess to use in her classroom. 
So you see, it's not as though I've been doing nothing except put together a new blog and think about what I'm planning for my future. 

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